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South Korea

  • USD 600.00

    2018년 연말 기준 한국의 기준 금리는 얼마일까요?

  • … % believe in expert opinion i guess for 1.5-1.7 Yes i believe it 1,5% stabil 1.7% 1.5 %-1.7% 和前半年差不多,经济萧条,就业压力大,企业招工难,整体经济在复苏,但是很慢,从数据看7月就维持在1.5,短短几个月是没有什么大的变化,我觉得在1.5,好的话上调0.05也就这样了。 South Korea' …
  • USD 200.00

    2019년 코스피 지수를 예측해 보세요 (19.6月末)?

  • …  not going down drastically With the improvement of relations between North Korea and South Korea, South Korea's economy will develop very well, and the stock market performance will not be bad. semoga …
  • USD 200.00

    Which company will be first to launch a smartwatch with automatic accurate blood pressure measureme...

  • …  substrates developed in South Korea has been validated and could work in a watch. https://www.miragenews.com/kaist-develops-wearable-sensor-for-blood-987647/  …
  • USD 0.00

    Will Donald Trump be a good President, and why?

  • …  has a quiet following. No other President as I recall has had so much of an influence over North and South Korea. he may be the 'Twitter' president but it seems he can deliver with social …
  • USD 100.00
    Confidential results hidden from view